Types of Bteq commands
Commands Over view:
BTEQ commands in Teradata provide great flexibility.
They can be used in four levels of controls.
1.Session Control Examample :Logon, Quit
2.File Control Example : IMPORT,EXPORT
3.Sequence Control Example: If Else
4. Format Control : Format,Suppress
Bteq Commands Notes:
Ø All Bteq commands must be preceded by a dot ‘.’ Character
Ø BTEQ cmds may end with a semicolon ‘ ; ’
Ø Any cmd that does not start with a dot is assumed to be a DBC/SQL query and it will be submitted to the DBC/1012.
Ø Bteq cmds may be executed in a DBC/SQL macro by using the ECHO statemenet,
For example,
A) Commands for Session Control:
1) Abort: Abort any and all active running requests and transactions, but do not exist in BTEQ
2) Defaults: Reset all the BTEQ format command options to their defaults. This will use the default configurations.
3) Exit: Immediately end the current session or sessions and exit BTEQ.
4) Halt Excution: Abort any and all active running requests and transactions and EXIT BTEQ
5) LogOff: End the current session or sessions, but do not exit BTEQ
6) LogOn: Starts a BTEQ Session. Every user, Application, or Utility have to LOGON to Teradata to start a session.
7) Quit: End the current session or sessions and exit BTEQ
8) Security: Specifies the security level of messages between a network-attached system and the Teradata Database.
9) Sessions: Specifies the no.of sessions to use with the next LOGON Command.
10) Session CharSet: Specifies the name of a character set for the current session or sessions
11) Session SqlFlag: Specifies a disposition of warnings issued in response to violations of syntax. The SQL will still run, but a warning message will be provided. The Four settings are given as FULL, INTERMEDIATE, ENTRY, and NONE.
12) Session Transaction: Specifies whether transaction boundaries are determined by Teradata Sql or ANSI Sql semantics
13) Show Controles: Displays all of the BTEQ control command options currently configured
14) Show Versions: Displays the BTEQ software release versions
15) TDP: Used to specify the correct Teradata Server for Logons for a particular session.
B) Commands for File control:
These commands will govern incoming and outgoing information.
1)CMS: Excute a VM CMS command inside the BTEQ environment.
2)ErrorOut: Write error messages to a specific output file.
3)Export: Open a file with a specific format to transfer information directly from the Teradata Database
4)Halt Excution: Abort any and all active running requests and transactions and EXIT BTEQ.
5) Format: Enable/Inhibit the page-oriented format command options.
6) Import: Open a file with a specific format to Import Information into teradata.
7) IndicData: One of multiple data mode options for data selected from Teradata. The mode are INDICDATA, FIELD, or RECORD MODE.
8) OS: Excute an MS-DOS, PC-DOS, Or UNIX command from inside BTEQ.
9) Quiet: Limit BTEQ output displays to all error messages and request processing statistics.
10) Repeat: Submit the next Request a certain amount of times.
11) Run: Excute teradata Sql requests and Bteq commands directly from a specified run file.
12) TSO: Excute an MVS TSO command from Inside the BTEQ Environment.
Commands Over view:
BTEQ commands in Teradata provide great flexibility.
They can be used in four levels of controls.
1.Session Control Examample :Logon, Quit
2.File Control Example : IMPORT,EXPORT
3.Sequence Control Example: If Else
4. Format Control : Format,Suppress
Bteq Commands Notes:
Ø All Bteq commands must be preceded by a dot ‘.’ Character
Ø BTEQ cmds may end with a semicolon ‘ ; ’
Ø Any cmd that does not start with a dot is assumed to be a DBC/SQL query and it will be submitted to the DBC/1012.
Ø Bteq cmds may be executed in a DBC/SQL macro by using the ECHO statemenet,
For example,
A) Commands for Session Control:
1) Abort: Abort any and all active running requests and transactions, but do not exist in BTEQ
2) Defaults: Reset all the BTEQ format command options to their defaults. This will use the default configurations.
3) Exit: Immediately end the current session or sessions and exit BTEQ.
4) Halt Excution: Abort any and all active running requests and transactions and EXIT BTEQ
5) LogOff: End the current session or sessions, but do not exit BTEQ
6) LogOn: Starts a BTEQ Session. Every user, Application, or Utility have to LOGON to Teradata to start a session.
7) Quit: End the current session or sessions and exit BTEQ
8) Security: Specifies the security level of messages between a network-attached system and the Teradata Database.
9) Sessions: Specifies the no.of sessions to use with the next LOGON Command.
10) Session CharSet: Specifies the name of a character set for the current session or sessions
11) Session SqlFlag: Specifies a disposition of warnings issued in response to violations of syntax. The SQL will still run, but a warning message will be provided. The Four settings are given as FULL, INTERMEDIATE, ENTRY, and NONE.
12) Session Transaction: Specifies whether transaction boundaries are determined by Teradata Sql or ANSI Sql semantics
13) Show Controles: Displays all of the BTEQ control command options currently configured
14) Show Versions: Displays the BTEQ software release versions
15) TDP: Used to specify the correct Teradata Server for Logons for a particular session.
B) Commands for File control:
These commands will govern incoming and outgoing information.
1)CMS: Excute a VM CMS command inside the BTEQ environment.
2)ErrorOut: Write error messages to a specific output file.
3)Export: Open a file with a specific format to transfer information directly from the Teradata Database
4)Halt Excution: Abort any and all active running requests and transactions and EXIT BTEQ.
5) Format: Enable/Inhibit the page-oriented format command options.
6) Import: Open a file with a specific format to Import Information into teradata.
7) IndicData: One of multiple data mode options for data selected from Teradata. The mode are INDICDATA, FIELD, or RECORD MODE.
8) OS: Excute an MS-DOS, PC-DOS, Or UNIX command from inside BTEQ.
9) Quiet: Limit BTEQ output displays to all error messages and request processing statistics.
10) Repeat: Submit the next Request a certain amount of times.
11) Run: Excute teradata Sql requests and Bteq commands directly from a specified run file.
12) TSO: Excute an MVS TSO command from Inside the BTEQ Environment.