1) Loading data from Local PC to buckets in GCP:
gsutil cp -r C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\data-master\retail_db\order_items gs://staging.utilitarian-bee-182405.appspot.com
C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\data-master\retail_db\order_items :- is the in PC local where the files is stored.
gs://staging.utilitarian-bee-182405.appspot.com :- path in gcp for bucket.

2) Loading data from Local pc to GCP local:
gsutil cp -r C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\data-master\retail_db\order_items       /scripts
C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\data-master\retail_db\order_items :- is the in PC local where the files is stored.
/scripts  :- GCP local path

 3) Loading data from GCP local to GCP bucket:
gsutil cp -r  /scripts  gs://staging.utilitarian-bee-182405.appspot.com
/scripts :- path in local GCP
gs://staging.utilitarian-bee-182405.appspot.com:- path of GCP bucket.