-- Top N Salary
FROM Employee Emp1
WHERE (N-1) = (
FROM Employee Emp2
WHERE Emp2.Salary > Emp1.Salary)
-- Top 3 Salaries
SELECT a.ename, b.sal
FROM emp a, emp b
WHERE a.empno = b.empno
3 > (SELECT count(*) FROM emp b
WHERE a.sal = b.sal);
SELECT distinct
,Max(CASE timings WHEN 'I' THEN coalesce(swipe,cast('00:00:00' as time(2))) END ) over ( partition by emp order by swipe rows between 1 preceding and 1 following ) AS Timeou
,Max(CASE timings WHEN 'O' THEN coalesce(swipe,cast('00:00:00' as time(2))) END ) over (partition by emp order by swipe rows between 1 following and 1 following ) AS Timeo
,timeou-timeo day(4) to hour AS TIME_DIFF
FROM (sel emp ,swipe, case when ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by emp ORDER BY swipe) MOD 2 = 0 then 'O' else 'I' end as Timings
from swipe) a qualify timeo is not null
simple column to row conversion
select name , sum(case subject when 'English' then marks end )as english
,sum(case subject when 'Maths' then Marks end )as Maths
,sum(case subject when 'Science' then marks end )as Science from col2row group by 1
--create table currency (name varchar(10), value integer , date1 date);
--insert into currency values ('INR',300,'01-Jun-2015')
--create table ord ( id integer , ordval integer , orderdate date, orgvalue integer)
--insert into ord values ( 1,20,'05-jun-2015',null)
--create table currency ( id integer,value integer , date1 date);
--insert into currency values ( 1,100,'01-Jan-2015');
--select * from currency;
--delete from currency where VALUE =100;
--create table ord ( ordid integer , id integer , ordval integer , purdate date);
--insert into ord values ( 1 , 1, 200 , '05-Mar-2015');
--select * from ord
--case when b.value is null then (select ordval from ord )
select id,value , case when b.value is null then (select
Max(b.value) over (partition by b.id , b.value order by b.date1 rows between unbounded preceding and 1 following ) from currency )end as lastvalue
currency b where date1='01-Jun-2015'
select id,
Max(b.value) over (partition by b.id order by b.date1 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) from currency b where date1='05-Mar-2015' group
by 1
--select id, value ,
select a.ordid , a.ordval , purdate,b.value , case when b.value is null then (select
Max(b.value) over (partition by b.id , b.value order by b.date1 rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding ) from currency b where date1='01-Jun-2015' )end as lastvalue
--last_value(b.value ignore nulls) over (partition by b.id , b.value ,order by date1 rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding ) as lastvalue
from ord a left outer join currency b on a.id=b.id and date1='01-Jun-2015'
--executed query--
select a.ordid , a.ordval , purdate,b.value, case when b.value is null then (select date1 from currency
where date1 in (select max(date1) from currency where value is not null and date1 < purdate ) )end as date2 ,
case when b.value is null then (select value from currency
where date1 in (select max(date1) from currency where value is not null and date1 < purdate ) )end as lastvalue
--last_value(b.value ignore nulls) over (partition by b.id , b.value ,order by date1 rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding ) as lastvalue
from ord a left outer join currency b on a.id=b.id and date1=purdate